Thu17: It Takes A Village: Roles and Responsibilities of Child Welfare Professionals, An In-Depth Child Welfare Panel Discussion
Judge David Hejmanowski || Delaware County Juvenile Court, Moderator
Richard Barnes, Esq. || Guardian ad Litem
Brianna Britton, Director || CASA of Madison County
Princetta Strozier || Greene County JFS Supervisor
Join us for a special, in-depth discussion about the roles of child welfare professionals. A new feature at #CK!C24, our expert panelists will discuss and clarify their responsibilities and how they work together to best serve Ohio’s children in need. Strong relationships and a healthy understanding of the system can lead to better outcomes for children experiencing abuse and neglect.
Thu18: Serving Students in Foster Care with the “Every Student Succeeds Act”
Betsy Hauck, Court Involved Youth Coordinator || Ohio Department of Education and Workforce
This workshop will detail the collaboration between the Ohio Department of Children and Youth and the Ohio Department of Education and Workforce to support students in foster care with the provisions outlined in the Every Student Succeeds Act. Participants will learn about how entering into foster care can impact students and how local education agencies are prepared to support those students. The role of the designated foster care liasion for each district willl also be discussed.
Thu19: Child Sexual Abuse: Myth Busters
Lisa DeGeeter, JD, Director of Systems Advocacy & Policy Counsel || Ohio Domestic Violence Network
This presentation will address economic, evidentiary, disclosure, perpetrator-based and victim-based misperceptions about child sexual abuse. Participants will gain a better understanding of how children disclose abuse, how to support children through investigations and prosecutions, and how to gain knowledge and increase their own comfort when dealing with these complex cases.
Thu20: Link Between Animal Abuse, Domestic Violence and Mass/School Shootings: OH H.B. 33 Reporting Requirements for Animal/Child Abuse
Vicki Deisner, Esq., State Government Affairs Advisor || Animal Welfare Institute
Todd Curtis, Master Criminal Investigator and Profiler
Animal abuse frequently is an indicator and predictor of interpersonal, family and community violence, especially in domestic violence and child abuse scenarios as well as mass/school shootings. A significant number of women report that threats to their animals prevent them from leaving abusive relationships. Children who perpetuate or witness animal cruelty are at risk of being victims themselves and/or future perpetrators of violence, with lifelong adverse emotional consequences. Many serial killers, school shooters, mass murderers and terrorists have histories of animal abuse. Cross-reporting and training among human services, law enforcement and humane enforcement are necessary to create more effective species-spanning collaboratives that prevent and prosecute these interlocking forms of family and community violence.
Thu21: The SUD Landscape in Ohio: Trends, Barriers and Potential Solutions for Ohioans with Substance Use Disorder
Shana Merrick, MSW, LSW, CDCA, Behavioral Health Specialist
Jessica Johnson, LPCC, LICDC, Director, Behavioral Health and Wellness || CareSource
This interactive presentation will include a lecture and Q&A session. Topics will include the data surrounding substance use in Ohio, the continuum of care available for Ohioans, and state and local resources for adults and youth with substance use disorder. Participants will be equipped to navigate these resources and will leave with tangible examples of solutions to barriers experienced by those with SUD.
Thu22: Bridges Out of Poverty: Strategies for Professionals and Communities Overview (Part 2)
Kathy McPherson, National Consultant and Facilitator || Aha! Process
This workshop is a partial overview of the Bridges Out of Poverty – Strategies for Professionals and Communities. This workshop will focus on understanding barriers and build strategies for families living in poverty and support systems to stabilize their lives.
Thu23: Talking to Teens
Alexandra Gilbert, LISW-S, Private Practice Outpatient Therapist || Northwoods Clinic
This workshop is designed to help navigate the complexities of communicating with teens. Participants will learn to distinguish between typical adolescent behavior and potential signs of mental health concerns or risky behaviors. Education will be provided on understanding the developmental stages of adolescence and recognizing when behaviors or responses may warrant further attention. Learn practical strategies for fostering healthy communication, promoting resilience and accessing support resources for teens facing mental health challenges.
Thu24: Personal Safety for Home Visits
Deputy Laura Stahr, Deputy Sheriff || Franklin County Sheriff’s Office
This Personal Safety presentation will share risk reduction strategies for when you’re at home, in your car or going through your daily routine. Three elements must be in place for any type of crime to occur: a victim, an assailant and an opportunity. By learning these safety strategies, you will remove the opportunity for an assailant to make you their next victim. When you turn on your local or national news, it is hard not to hear a story of yet another person becoming a victim of crime. It is up to each of us to do what we can to avoid becoming another statistic or story on the news. These basic tips and strategies can help reduce your odds of becoming the victim of a crime.