More than 700 CASA volunteers, judges, attorneys come together at Ohio CASA conference for essential training to help children in need
Hundreds of CASA volunteers and child welfare professionals from across Ohio came together for training at Ohio CASA’s 29th Annual Celebrate Kids! Conference in Columbus.
There was a record turnout at the Ohio CASA/GAL Association’s three-day event in late September. More than 700 CASA volunteers, social workers, attorneys, judges, and court staff members gathered for training and discussion sessions.
“This is one of the largest such training events in the nation and we are honored that so many CASA volunteers and child welfare professionals joined us once again,” said Ohio CASA Executive Director Doug Stephens. “Attendees from almost every Ohio county participated in training sessions.”

At any given time, there are 15,000 Ohio children in foster care, making this training essential to best serve Ohio children.
Attendees engaged in training led by nationally recognized experts on a range of critical topics, including supporting youth aging out of foster care, understanding the dynamics of domestic violence, addressing the obstacles faced by families living in poverty, and responding effectively to juvenile victims of human trafficking.
There were special features at the 2024 Celebrate Kids! Conference, including a networking hour, which featured a performance from student musicians from Columbus City Schools. There were also large training sessions led by industry-leading experts.

CASA of Franklin County was the largest group at the Celebrate Kids! Conference, with more than 80 volunteers and staff in attendance.
Court Appointed Special Advocate (CASA) volunteers are community members who are appointed by a judge to advocate for a child’s best interest in the court system. CASA volunteers complete comprehensive training in order to speak up for children experiencing abuse and neglect.
There are CASA programs in 60 Ohio counties, with CASA volunteers serving around 10,000 children annually.

Attendees obtained needed training hours at the Celebrate Kids! Conference, allowing them to continue their work as CASA volunteers or attorneys, for example.